Metabolic Syndrome

Work with me as an Herbalist and Health Coach to get control of Metabolic Syndrome in a FUN, EASY way!

Don’t forget about my upcoming Family Herbalism Course! Feel confident in using herbs with your family to better their health! Learn More Here

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Family Herbalist Course

Family Herbalist Course Starting in August!
Classes will meet monthly for 12 months. Starting in Aug 2024 – July 2025
The cost will be $60/month or $648 if paid for 1 year upfront. If signed up in June, the cost for 1 year will be $615.

Contact me below if you are interested in finding out more or about the times for the Live in person or Live Zoom Classes. This will also be a go at your own pace course but will start in August as well.

Check back June 1st to register for early bird pricing!

Free Recipe for Excessive Flow’s

One of the things I specialize in is Hormone Balancing. Diet, Lifestyle, and Herbs fix just about anything, particularly balancing the hormones! I’ve also been on a mission to save women’s uteruses!  It takes quite a bit of dedication, but you CAN stop the crazy, heavy, excessive menstrual flows! I’ve had the privilege of witnessing numerous success stories where women have regained control over their cycles and health. This could be you, too! 

PCOS has been a big thing recently. Ninety Percent of all PCOS is caused by Insulin Resistance (IR).  Many diet and lifestyle changes need to be made to conquer IR. As a health coach and herbalist, I am here to help you get back your cycle and get pregnant or control your excessive cycle! You can get back to normal! It can be overwhelming with all the things that you need to do to get on top of this, but that is what a health coach is here for! I understand your challenges, and I’m here to guide and support you through this process in a manageable step-by-step process that becomes just a part of your daily life!

As a herbalist, I am passionate about sharing my favorite ways of supporting the cycle with you. Herbal remedies can give your body the extra nutrition and support it needs to recover and maintain a healthy cycle. I am here to guide you on this journey and help you find the best remedies.

If you have the type of PCOS that stops your cycle. Besides controlling IR, consider looking into stress management. I have lots of posts on dealing with stress and stress management. Check them out starting here. Herbal infusions of Nettle, Red Clover, and Red Raspberry can provide your body with extra nutrition and support to help recover your cycle. Read more about Herbal infusions here.

If you have excessive bleeding, did you know some herbs can slow down your cycle?  Lady’s Mantle, Shepherd’s Purse, and Yarrow are all herbs that can do this. Even a very strong tea of Cinnamon could be just enough to slow down the flow of your cycle.  Bleeding excessively lowers your iron, and low iron can also cause more bleeding! Drinking infusions of Nettle and Chickweed are high in iron and can support this process.

Check out my Balance Flo herbal tea recipe here that many women have found helpful in slowing down their menstrual flow while working on the root cause of why they have excessive menstrual flow. An interesting thing about excessive menstrual flow is that it can cause low iron, which can cause excessive menstrual flow. You end up in a vicious cycle. The above tea is high in iron and can help with this.

I call this tea “Balancing Flo” Download Recipe Card Here

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